• Off to Cheese-land to ride my bike with the Nomes.

    Ahhhhhhhh.....the power of cheese.

    No, cheese is not a race food. Could you imagine coming thru at 3 AM and be like "Hey pit crew, break me off a piece of that Chedder and get me a new battery for my lights." Then try to get that down your pipe? Goooooooo! Better yet.....I could fill my Hammer flasks with Cheese Wiz. Sweet!

    Nome's you ask? Wausau has a Nome-fest. Don't ask!

    This will be my last "blog" until I return on Sunday night. Right now I am pulling some of my supplies together, and pounding down a 12 cup pot of Chocolate-Caramel coffee. This stuff is the shiz-nit!

    Anyway, I plan on heading out around 10:00 AM, getting up there, and finding the best pit area for quick entry and exit for refueling. I think everything is in order. The bikes are dialed in, I have loading on the Hammer Products all week, and the stress level is low. Now, my body has to do its part.

    There is one thing that will suck at this race........darkness! Lights will be needed around 8:30 pm and won't come off till 6:30 am or so. That is 10 hours of NO sun. This will be the toughest part of the race. Mentality will play a huge part. As the great Adam Sandler would say........"The Night Time is the Right Time, The Night Time is the Right Time" I have somethiing up my sleeve for the evening laps. If you want to know, you have to talk to Mark at Europa Cycle and Ski. It's a well thought out plan, that will create havoc on the Solo field......Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Evil!

    Well, I need to get more stuff together, and finish my "black goodness"

    Thanks for reading, and if I have a chance I might test out the Audioblog feature later today or this weekend.

    Off to Rage!