• Jeff vs. Mother Nature

    Well, yesterday was the local tuesday night road group ride, and I didn't show. Why not? I was looking at the Weather Channel.com and saw that we were having one of those super windy days (20 mph NNW wind). So, I decided to go out and train mind and body. In 90% of my 12 and 24 hour races you are forced to ride by yourself, facing the elements for yourself. Doing these 3-4 hour ride into a strong headwind builds up power, while teaching the mind that there in no backing out. It's too easy to get tired during a road group ride and just sneek to the back of the pack and draft. When you are by yourself, that is NOT an option.

    My legs have felt pretty good the last few days, and I think this weekend is going to turn out pretty well. Once again, doing well plays into many factors such as weather, equipment, fitness, and pit crew. My goal for this race, other than getting first in the Solo Freak category, is to turn 20 laps. As far as I know, that has not been done. In 2002 when Tinker beat me, he only turned 18 laps, and I turned 17. I feel 20 is doable, but I am not going to demolish myself trying with World's just a few weeks away. If that goal is in reach I will go for it.

    If you are interested in the 24 hours of 9 Mile race, checkout the website. This is the largest 24 hour race in the Midwest.
