• Here is what's on tap.....

    Well, it's Sunday, Sunday, Sunday (you are supposed to say Sunday in that booming monster truck voice). This is what I have on tap. This morning at 7:30 A.M. I am meeting up with "Carlos the Jakel" for a little 3 hour gravel grind'r carnage to Parkersburg and back. This loop rocks. Lots of loose gravel and lots of steep hills. Steep by Iowa standards. After that I ge to got work.....Oh Joy! Shouldn't be too bad, we haven't alot of psyhco's come in lately.

    As for the rest of the week.....
    Monday: Easy spin on the bike
    Tuesday: Hang on to the Tueday Night Road Ride. I am looking to get in an hard effort before 24 Hrs of 9 Mile. Plan on going hard enough to openup the legs, but NOT to destroy them for 24-9
    Wensday: Easy spin on road bike
    Thursday: Few short bursts, and hill repeats
    Friday: Drive to Wausau for 24-9 and hangout / pre-ride
    Saturday: Race
    Sunday: Race and recover for World's Yo!