• Here is what is on tap for Thursday

    Summer is back! It nice to see that we "Iowan's" are enjoying a typical summer day. High temp. of 88 degrees with 90% humidity. Swamp ass conditions are at a peak level!

    For today's training I am planning on taking one of the mountain bikes out for a 1 hour all-out effort. I am planning on hitting up the "Euro Crit" in Cedar Falls. This is a 1.5 loop thru a residential area on the north side of Cedar Falls. The roads are narrow, rough, and there a few short power climbs. After about an hour of this, most riders are cooked. I hope I can get this ride in tonight. I say this cause the weather nazi's are forcasting nasty thunderstorms for this afternoon and evening. I suppose i could go out and train in the high winds, hail, and rain........it would be just like the night laps at Solo World's in 2002. Oh, the good ole days!

    Ok, I am off to work!