• Getting stuff dialed in.

    10 days and counting......Wahoooooo! I can't wait for World's! I think I am as ready as an "Iowan" can be to race in the Canadian rockies. I proved to my self that my fitness is good-to-go, based on my performance at 24 Hours of 9 Mile. It's just too bad that my little slip up at 2:00 AM had to "throw" my race. Maybe it was a sign from God to chill out and focus on the bigger race? We'll just have to see.

    Anyway, I am starting to get stuff together: bikes, food, clothing, etc. I wish my new clothes would show up! It's almost the end of the season, and NO clothes. Boo Hoo. I guess it is one of the small ball-ups that goes along with the start of a new team. As far, as getting stuff dialed in, I have been doing shorter rides in the 2-3 hour range focusing on specific aspects of the next race like hill repeats, higher intensity rides, isolated leg spinning drills, etc. I feel pretty good, and it seems that my back is feel'n good too. Unfortunately, It's one of those things I won't know is completely healed until I rage at 100% in a race.

    Oh, by the way, I got my phone line back. I now have internet again. I think I need the Internet to live. I went into withdrawl like a crack addict. Lots of shaking, twitching, and binge eating......well not really, but you get the idea.

    For today, I am heading out for a easy road ride followed by work. Tomorrow looks to be a hilly gravel grinder witht the locals who just got back from doing the Leadville 100. Then...............It's off to Whistler on early Monday morning for the 29 hour drive.....sigh :-(