• Cateye riders rage at TransAlp

    Start of Trans Alps
    Originally uploaded by kerkovej.

    Here is a write up from Lou Kobin from Trans-Alps. I found it to be a good read, and thought i would share it with the rest of you. ENJOY!

    Below is Louise's report from the Trans-alps.

    Cristina Begy and I didn't start out with the best of luck at the trans-alps.  At the end of the first day had a really long road descent and as we were flying down, a van came around a blind curve.  Cristina had to slam
    on her brakes to avoid a head-on collision, she slid out with the bike going under the van, and then I flew over my handle-bars trying not to run over Cristina. I had a deep cut in one elbow, and road-rash on both
    knees.  Cristina's wheels were tacoed and fork totally trashed, but luckily she was not seriously hurt.  We sat there for a while, trying to figure out what to do when a spectator came up and loaned Cristina his bike so we could coast to the finish.  I ended up going to an Austrian hospital for x-rays of my ribs and knee and getting my elbow doctored up.  Luckily my ribs were just bruised.

    A couple of days later with about 30 K to go,
    Cristinas bike seat comes off.  we stopped a few times trying to get it back on, but it was damaged in the crash and she ended up taking it off and riding the last part of the race (which was luckily down-hill and
    a little flat) without a seat.  It was pretty funny!

    We ended up in 4th place in the women's category. There were some really good competition, with a German team taking first, and Leslie and Gretchen from Rocky
    Mountain getting second.  The weather was great, except for rain the last day, and the scenery was awesome.  All the little towns in Austria were so pristine, with perfect houses and flowers everywhere. And the mountains were just amazing!!

    My bike worked great and I didn't have to do any major maintenance except  for washing it and lubing the chain. The shifting was perfect the whole time and the suspension worked great. Pretty amazing for a 8 day
    race.  I have always had shifting issues in the past, expecially in stage-races.  I also really like how the NRS Air climbs. Pretty important in the Alps, since some of the mountain passes  are 25-30 K long.  There
    was actually a little more single-track this year, which was fun, but could be frustrating at times. There seemed to be a ton of people who were walking and wouldn't move to the side when you wanted to pass.

    I guess the European men don't like to be beat by girls :-)

    Looking forward to the trans-rockies next!