• Ahhhhhh...the black goodness

    Gooood Morning!

    Looks to be a good day! Right now I am wasting some time before work surfing the net and chugging down a steamy pot of the liquid black bean, a.k.a. black goodness, a.k.a coffee. I surf the net too much, cause I don't own a TV or furniture. So in my apartment it's just me, my bikes, and my G5........Is that how all bike racers / shop junkies live?

    Yesterday was an alright day on the bike. I went out in the pouring drizzle (not rain, drizzle.) and put in 3 hours on the road bike keeping the heartrate at a nice 130-150 bpm. I felt good, and I hope I am good to go for tonights Thursday night road group ride. My rides have been highly motivated lately. I am pumped for 24 Hours of 9 Mile and World's. Winning is the ONLY option for 24-9. I just hope everything comes together to make that happen. My goal for World's is the podium, which would be top 10, and I feel that that is do-able. Looks like the entire Cateye Enduro Team will be at World's also. That's awesome, cause I would like to meet my teammates at some point in the season. I am thinking that the entire team can make it on the podium. I came to the conclusion last night that the hardest part about World's is not going to be the race itself, but rather the 29 hour drive out there. I think I will pull off the 29 Hours to Whistler, and try to do it Solo. Riiiiiiight! One other quick note. I am now able to Audioblog which means I can call in my blog over the phone and then it will post it on this site in MP3 format. I think I will take advantage of that at World's.

    Anyway, it's time to replenish my mug with the black goodness, and start thinking about going to work.