• Top 10 Signs

    Here are are my Top 10 signs that you are an endurance racer.

    10. While grocery shopping, you pass the Mayo and think to yourself "I wonder if that could work as Chamois Cream?"

    9. A 2 hour XC race never seemed so easy....."Was that the warm-up?"

    8. 2 hour training rides are now 8+ hour training rides...."Sweet, the sunrise! Sweet the Sunset!"

    7. What other style of bicycle racing allows you to stop mid race and eat a pizza?......."Can you scape off the meat? It won't digest fast enough."

    6. You spend time reading this blog, and wonder if there will ever be "Cliff Notes" available for it

    5. Instead of calling your name, people now just say "Hey freak!"

    4. You are always in search of ways to make your bike as comfy as possible (a.k.a Lazy-Boy-On-Wheels)

    3. You have 2 mountain bikes that are the same in everyway

    2. You watch NASCAR to pick up some good pit strategies

    1. You spend more time riding your bike than you do eating, sleeping and working. ......"All his riding sure is fun, I suppose I could go home and get some sleep for work tomorrow. Nah!"

    Ok people. Let's see your Top 10 list.