• That kind'a hurt

    Interval time!Back at it again...and the legs finally came around today. Yesterday's 3 hour opener ride ended up being only like 2 hours, cause I could barely keep my eyes open. Getting back to Boulder at 1 AM after flying from Seattle was a serious blow to the fitness mojo. Coach is having me hit it pretty hard this week in prep for the OC in a few weeks. My workouts this week are a carbon copy of last week....and the results are much much better.

    Interval time!My route had me doing a nice endurance tempo for 60 minutes up to Carter Lake....then flipping it to head back south to Boulder. After the tempo came the hard part which involved a series of intervals...8 to be exact. Here is a quick mountain view before going cross eyed pinning it at the numbers Coach laid out for me.

    Interval time!It went a little something like this...

    Interval time!With the intervals complete it was nothing but a chill spin back to Sonya's place. The proof is in the photo.