• Leadville 100: Pre-race meeting

    So, it is officially go time! I got my number....stood in a long line with 1,000+ people in a gym that should only allow about 200 people....and sat through a pre-race meeting which was more of a "you can do it" self help session than anything else. It was all good, and I now know why people flock to this event.

    Waiting in line to get my number....UGH!Yep, standing in line. I am at the back of the line...and have to make it under the 2 big blue banners up front. The wait wasn't long....but the crap ton of people in a little space made for minor drama. Image the building body heat.....it's like a sauna.

    The masses!
    Huge thanks to Team Bike Tech as they saved me a seat right smack dab in the middle of the madness. Always good to surround yourself with good people.

    Sat through about a 1 hr pre-race meeting. Then, about half way through Armstrong and Wiens took the stage to address the crowd. The above video is the duration of their speeches to the mass of racers. Take note of the cheering for Wiens. He has a bigger fan club here. Heheeee!

    Race bike ready to go!Now I am back at camp. Number is installed and I am relaxing. Tomorrows 3:45 AM wake up call will come fast so supper and bed time will likely come very early for me tonight.

    Race report to come!