• What's on Tap.

    Wednesday: Get my hours in at work, then after work head out for about 1 to 1.5 hours of easy riding with some short intense bursts. Did this same ride on Tuesday night with Buchanandale and felt good. After the ride, I am going to head to the store to pick up all need food and supplies for the event.

    Thursday: Spinning in the morning followed by work and getting the bike tuned and ready. At this time I am also going to install new rubber on both bikes. Then it's time to get home and pack the car up with all the gear.

    Friday: Load up the car with the Rush's and head to Wausau with Buchanandale following close behind in his P5. Once to Wausau, go straight to the event to mark out the Cannondale pit and do a bit of pre-ride.

    Pimpy Clothing Alert!
    Check out the hot new threads!! These guys will be at Nationals in Wausau. I highly suggest looking into their gear! They make the unattractive look more attractive. Werd.

    Coming Soon....
    Yours truly telling it like it is. Should be sometime in August.